it’s important to communicate what’s happening

customers have a need to feel informed once an order is placed. communicating these events is how we build & maintain trust with our customers.

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review your order

in this experience, customers are laser focused, they want to make sure all the details are right- the address, the total cost, the items & quantities, all of it.

we leveraged an accordion ‘roll-up’ ui to keep the experience lightweight, this eliminated excessive scrolling since grocery orders can be lengthy. we anchored total costs to the right to help customers see totals regardless of which step they were in the order review.

lastly, we let edits be made in real time- no need to backtrack to the details page of an item to change quantities.

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Shopping is completed

during peak ordering times, customers may see a larger span of time between a completed order and a delivery. naturally there were concerns about how we were storing orders.

we used this step to communicate that orders are kept in temperature controlled fridges & freezers to ensure freshness. this addressed many food safety inquires & yielded a big drop in customer happiness inquiries.

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delivery is on its way

delivery is a critical step as it helps customers know & track when an order will arrive at their door.

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rating an order & feedback for subpar experiences

since we were a new service & looking to build trust , i proposed a proactive self-tagging experience to identify orders that were fulfilled incorrectly.

this flow would trigger once the star rating system begins. it would meet customers when they were most prone to provide the feedback we needed to make the experience better.

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